function initLanguage() { // Ensure language preference is added to all requests internal to this site // Also ensure base url is applied to all api lookup calls let oldXHROpen =; = function ( method, url, async, user, password ) { if (!url.includes("//") && !url.includes("lang=")) { if (url.includes("?")) { url += "&lang=" + _lang; } else { url += "?lang=" + _lang; } } if (!url.includes("//") && !url.includes(_baseUrl)) { if (!url.startsWith("/")) { url = "/" + url; } url = _baseUrl + url; } return oldXHROpen.apply(this, arguments); }; } function setValidatorSettings() { // To avoid unwanted auto validation when out of focus const form1 = $(".section-form")[0]; var val = $.data(form1, "validator"); if (val) { var settings = $.data(form1, "validator").settings; settings.focusInvalid = false; settings.onfocusout = false; settings.onkeyup = false; settings.onclick = false; } } function initCustomValidation() { jQuery.validator.addMethod("not-only-white-space", function (value, element) { // Use regular expression to make sure the UCI value matches one of the two pattern 0000-0000 or 00-0000-0000 return ( this.optional(element) || /([a-zA-Z0-9����������������])/.test(value) ); }); } function initAutoValidation() { // Auto validate when navigating from the summary section error panel var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; if (searchParams.has("validate")) { if (searchParams.get("validate") == "true") { setTimeout(function () { // Wait for main thread to complete current actions (including initialization of WET validator) before running this $(".section-form").valid(); }, 0); } } } function initToolTips() { $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ placement: "right", toggle: "popover", container: "body", template: '

', }); } function updateProvDDL() { $.ajax({ type: "get", url: "/api/getProvState?countryId=" + $("#ddlCountry").val() + "&lang=" + _lang, datatype: "json", traditional: true, success: function (data) { var newdata = JSON.parse(data); var regions = $("#ddlProvince"); regions.empty(); $.each(newdata, function (i, region) { $("#ddlProvince").append( $("").val(region.value).html(region.text) ); }); }, }); } function updateProvDDLbyID(countyryId, provinceId) { $.ajax({ type: "get", url: "/api/getProvState?countryId=" + $(countyryId).val() + "&lang=" + _lang, datatype: "json", traditional: true, success: function (data) { var newdata = JSON.parse(data); var regions = $(provinceId); regions.empty(); $.each(newdata, function (i, region) { $(provinceId).append( $("").val(region.value).html(region.text) ); }); }, }); } function highlightActiveNavItem(itemTitle) { var list = $("#sidenav ul li button"); $.each(list, function () { $(this).css("background-color", ""); }); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var title = list[i].textContent; if (title == itemTitle) { list[i].style.backgroundColor = "lightblue"; } } } function setSectionState() { var list = $(".section-state"); var menu = $("#sidenav ul li button"); var displayStatus = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var title = list[i].name; var state = list[i].value; for (var j = 0; j < menu.length; j++) { var menuName = menu[j].value; if (menuName == title) { var item = $('button[value="' + title + '"]'); if (menuName != "SummarySubmission") { if (state == "Complete") { item.html('' + menu[j].innerText); displayStatus += 1; } if (state == "Invalid") { item.html( '' + menu[j].innerText ); displayStatus += 1; } if (state == "Clean") { item.html(menu[j].innerText); } } } } } if (displayStatus == 12) { $("#btnSummary").prop("disabled", false); } else { $("#btnSummary").prop("disabled", true); } } function resetValidation() { //Removes validation from input-fields $(".input-validation-error").addClass("input-validation-valid"); $(".input-validation-error").removeClass("input-validation-error"); //Removes validation message after input-fields $(".field-validation-error").addClass("field-validation-valid"); $(".field-validation-error").removeClass("field-validation-error"); //Removes validation summary $(".validation-summary-errors").addClass("validation-summary-valid"); $(".validation-summary-errors").removeClass("validation-summary-errors"); } function toggleOther() { $("#req-other").hide(); var val = $("#facility-list").val(); if (val === "0") { $("#req-other").show(); } else { $("#req-other").hide(); } } function toggleAddressSection() { const addressSection = '[data-name="sectPartnerAddress"]'; $(addressSection).closest("fieldset").hide(); // USA and Canada fields is same for Marital Status // domestic section has two parts const domesticAdress = "#tss_findaddress"; const domesticProvince = "#tss_province"; const foreignSection = "#tss_foreignprovince"; $(domesticAdress).closest("tr").hide(); $(domesticProvince).closest("td").hide(); $(foreignSection).closest("tr").hide(); var country = $("#tss_spousecountryofresidence").val(); if (country !== "" && country !== "0") { $(addressSection).closest("fieldset").show(); // TODO: to change Canada to 1013 and USA to 1079 if ( country === "110da1ef-6f03-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98" || country === "52b20104-7003-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98" ) { $(domesticAdress).closest("tr").show(); $(domesticProvince).closest("td").show(); $(foreignSection).closest("tr").hide(); } else { $(domesticAdress).closest("tr").hide(); $(domesticProvince).closest("td").hide(); $(foreignSection).closest("tr").show(); } } } function toggleEyeColour(checkedValue) { $("#diff-colour").hide(); if (checkedValue === true) { $("#right-eye").val("0"); } if (checkedValue === false) { $("#diff-colour").show(); } } function showInPopup(url, title) { var tst = url; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, success: function (res) { $("#form-modal .modal-body").html(res); $("#form-modal .modal-title").html(title); $("#form-modal").modal("show"); $(".first-input").focus(); toggleLegalSection(); }, }); } function tooltipsEscape(event) { var tooltipsKeyValue = event.keyCode; if (tooltipsKeyValue == 27) { //if 'Enter' ESC $(".popoverTooltips").blur(); } } function cleanUpName(name) { var text = name || ""; // remove numbers and special characters var regex = /[0-9"!/<>?$%&*()+=:;_\\,~`@#^|����]/g; var text = text.replace(regex, ""); // replace multiple spaces with one space regex = /\s{2,}/g; text = text.replace(regex, " "); return text; } function handleOnInput(evt) { var textBox =; var cursorPosition = textBox.selectionStart || 0; var text = textBox.value || ""; var cleanedUp = cleanUpName(text); if (text !== cleanedUp) { textBox.value = cleanedUp; cursorPosition = cursorPosition > 0 ? cursorPosition - 1 : cursorPosition; textBox.setSelectionRange && textBox.setSelectionRange(cursorPosition, cursorPosition); } } function addTooltip(labelName, tooltip) { var label = document.getElementById(labelName); $( '' ).insertAfter(label); } /* Start Custom JS for Power Apps Portal*/ function AddPreviousButton(previousPageUrl) { //add previous button $("div.form-action-container-left").append(""); $("#btnPrevious").bind("click", function (e) { removeRequiredValidators(); $('#liquid_form').validate(); if ($('#liquid_form').valid()) { $('#liquid_form').attr('action', $('#liquid_form').attr('action') + '&redirect=' + previousPageUrl); WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions($("#UpdateButton").attr("name"), '', true, '', '', false, true)); } }); } function addRequiredValidator(fieldName, controlType) { var engRequiredText = ' (required)'; var fraRequiredText = ' (obligatoire)'; var requiredText = $('html').attr('data-lang') == "en" ? engRequiredText : fraRequiredText; switch (controlType) { case "radio": var fieldLabel = $('#' + fieldName + '_label').html(); $('#' + fieldName + '_0').attr('required', 'required'); var controlHtml = $('#' + fieldName).html(); $('#' + fieldName + '_label').parent().remove(); $('#' + fieldName).html('
' + fieldLabel + '' + requiredText + '' + controlHtml + '
') break; case "date": $('#' + fieldName + '_label').addClass('required'); $('#' + fieldName + '_label').html("" + $('#' + fieldName + '_label').html() + "" + requiredText); $('#' + fieldName + '_datepicker_description').attr('required', 'required'); break; default: $('#' + fieldName + '_label').addClass('required'); $('#' + fieldName + '_label').html("" + $('#' + fieldName + '_label').html() + "" + requiredText); $('#' + fieldName).attr('required', 'required'); } } function addRequiredValidatorForSubgrid(fieldName, engErrorMsg, fraErrorMsg) { //Add required style to the title $('#' + fieldName).closest('fieldset').children('legend:first').addClass('required'); //Add a hidden text box under the title for validation purpose $('#' + fieldName).closest('fieldset').children('legend:first').after('') //Add validation method wb.doc.on("wb-ready.wb", function (event) { $.validator.addMethod("has-value", function (value, element) { return $('#' + fieldName + ' table tbody > tr').length > 0; }, $('html').attr('data-lang') == "en" ? engErrorMsg : fraErrorMsg) }); } function addRequiredValidatorForSubgridInTable(fieldName, engErrorMsg, fraErrorMsg) { //Add required style to the title $('#' + fieldName).closest('tr').find('label:eq(0)').addClass('required'); //Add a hidden text box under the title for validation purpose $('#' + fieldName).closest('tr').find('label:eq(0)').after('') //Add validation method wb.doc.on("wb-ready.wb", function (event) { $.validator.addMethod("has-value", function (value, element) { return $('#' + fieldName + ' table tbody > tr').length > 0; }, $('html').attr('data-lang') == "en" ? engErrorMsg : fraErrorMsg) }); } function addPhoneValidator(fieldName) { $('#' + fieldName + '_label').html("" + $('#' + fieldName + '_label').html() + ""); $('#' + fieldName).attr('type', 'tel'); $('#' + fieldName).attr('data-rule-phoneus', 'true'); } function addRangeValidator(fieldName, min, max) { $('#' + fieldName).attr('min', min); $('#' + fieldName).attr('max', max); } function removeRequiredValidators() { $("[required=required]").removeAttr("required"); $("[has-value=true]").removeAttr("has-value"); } function translateText(text) { if (text.includes("::")) return text.split("::")[$('html').attr('data-lang') == "en" ? 0 : 1]; else return text; } function translateDropdown(fieldName) { //Translate all options $('#' + fieldName + ' option').text(function () { return translateText($(this).text()); }); } function translateTableHeader(fieldName) { $('#' + fieldName).find('table thead tr th a').each(function () { var headerText = translateText($(this).contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType !== 1; }).text()); $(this).contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType !== 1; }).remove(); $(this).attr('aria-label', headerText); $(this).prepend($(this).attr('aria-label')); }); } function sortDropdown(fieldName) { var options = $('#' + fieldName + ' option'); var arr = (_, o) { return { t: $(o).text(), v: o.value }; }).get(); arr.sort(function (o1, o2) { return o1.t.localeCompare(o2.t); }); options.each(function (i, o) { o.value = arr[i].v; $(o).text(arr[i].t); }); } //Move Canada and US to the top function sortCountryDropdown(fieldName, skipCanada, skipUS) { //change country list order if ($('#' + fieldName + ' option[disabled="disabled"]').length === 0) { sortDropdown(fieldName); $('').insertBefore('#' + fieldName + ' option:eq(1)'); $('#' + fieldName + ' option[value="52b20104-7003-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98"]').insertBefore('#' + fieldName + ' option:eq(1)'); $('#' + fieldName + ' option[value="110da1ef-6f03-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98"]').insertBefore('#' + fieldName + ' option:eq(1)'); } if (skipUS === true) { $('#' + fieldName + ' option[value="52b20104-7003-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98"]').hide(); } else { $('#' + fieldName + ' option[value="52b20104-7003-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98"]').show(); } if (skipCanada === true) { $('#' + fieldName + ' option[value="110da1ef-6f03-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98"]').hide(); } else { $('#' + fieldName + ' option[value="110da1ef-6f03-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98"]').show(); } } function bindCountryChangeEvent(countryFieldName, provinceFieldName) { var lang = $('html').attr('data-lang'); var ddlCountry = $("#" + countryFieldName); var ddlProvince = $("#" + provinceFieldName); ddlCountry.change(function () { // get id of selected primary field // this will work only if you render primary field as dropdown let primaryValue = $(this).find("option:selected").val(); let selectedProvinceValue = ddlProvince.find("option:selected").val(); // remove all option from dependent field ddlProvince.empty(); ddlProvince.closest('tr').hide(); if (primaryValue === "52b20104-7003-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98" || primaryValue === "110da1ef-6f03-ed11-82e6-002248d51a98") { // request to our custom page with id as parameter ddlProvince.closest('tr').show(); $.getJSON("/_api/tss_provinces?$select=tss_provinceid,tss_englishname,tss_frenchname&$filter=_tss_country_value%20eq%20" + primaryValue + "&$orderby=" + (lang == "en" ? "tss_englishname" : "tss_frenchname"), function (data) { if (data.value.length > 0) { ddlProvince.append(''); //create option for each returned entity data.value.forEach(element => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = element.tss_provinceid; option.innerText = (lang == "en" ? element.tss_englishname : element.tss_frenchname); ddlProvince.append(option); }); ddlProvince.val(selectedProvinceValue); } }); } }); } function fixDatePickers() { $('*[id*=_datepicker_description]').on('change', function () { var datecontrol = $(this).closest('div').prev().val($(this).val() + 'T12:00:00.0000000'); }); $('*[for*=_datepicker_description]').contents().wrap(""); $('*[id*=_datepicker_description]').attr('type', 'date'); $('*[id*=_datepicker_description]').attr('name', function () { return $(this).attr("id") }); $('*[id*=_datepicker_description]').next().css('display', 'none'); } function addWETValidatorToForm(formName) { $('#' + formName).wrap("
"); } function addWETValidatorToModalForm(formName) { var script1 = document.createElement("script"); // create a script DOM node script1.src = ""; // set its src to the provided URL document.body.appendChild(script1); var script2 = document.createElement("script"); // create a script DOM node script2.src = ""; // set its src to the provided URL document.body.appendChild(script2); addWETValidatorToForm(formName); } function addValidator(fieldName) { try { if ($("#" + fieldName) != undefined) { $("#" + fieldName).prop('required', true); $("#" + fieldName).closest(".control").prev().addClass("required"); // Create new validator var newValidator = document.createElement('span'); = "none"; = fieldName + "Validator"; newValidator.controltovalidate = fieldName; newValidator.errormessage = "" + $("#" + fieldName + "_label").html() + " is a required field."; newValidator.initialvalue = ""; newValidator.evaluationfunction = function () { var value = $("#" + fieldName).val(); if (value == null || value == "") { return false; } else { return true; } }; // Add the new validator to the page validators array: Page_Validators.push(newValidator); } } catch (error) { errorHandler(error); } } function removeValidator(fieldName) { //Clean up previous validator if present if ($('#ValidationSummaryEntityFormView').length) { $('#ValidationSummaryEntityFormView').hide(); } try { if ($("#" + fieldName) != undefined) { $("#" + fieldName).closest(".control").prev().removeClass("required"); $("#" + fieldName).prop('required', false); for (i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) { if (Page_Validators[i].id == fieldName + "Validator") { Page_Validators.splice(i,1); } } } } catch (error) { errorHandler(error); } } function collapsibleTab(tabName, id) { var hdr = $('div[data-name="' + tabName + '"]').prev('h2'); hdr.html(hdr.html() + ""); $('#collapseId' + id).hide(); $('#collapseId' + id).click(function () { $('#expandId' + id).show(); $('#collapseId' + id).hide(); $("div[data-name='" + tabName + "']").fadeIn(1000); }); $("#expandId" + id).click(function () { $('#collapseId' + id).show(); $('#expandId' + id).hide(); $("div[data-name='" + tabName + "']").fadeOut(); }); } (function (webapi, $) { function safeAjax(ajaxOptions) { var deferredAjax = $.Deferred(); shell.getTokenDeferred().done(function (token) { // add headers for AJAX if (!ajaxOptions.headers) { $.extend(ajaxOptions, { headers: { "__RequestVerificationToken": token } }); } else { ajaxOptions.headers["__RequestVerificationToken"] = token; } $.ajax(ajaxOptions) .done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { validateLoginSession(data, textStatus, jqXHR, deferredAjax.resolve); }).fail(deferredAjax.reject); //AJAX }).fail(function () { deferredAjax.rejectWith(this, arguments); /*on token failure pass the token AJAX and args*/ }); return deferredAjax.promise(); } webapi.safeAjax = safeAjax; })(window.webapi = window.webapi || {}, jQuery) function saveFormData(id, fields) { clearIsDirty(); disableButtons(); var btnText = $("#SaveAndExit").text(); if ($('html').attr('lang') == "en") { $("#SaveAndExit").text("Saving..."); } else { $("#SaveAndExit").text("Saving..."); } webapi.safeAjax({ type: "PATCH", url: "/_api/cpp_projectses(" + id + ")", contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(fields), success: function (res) {"/", "_self"); }, error: function (res) { var msg = "
Web API Error: "; if (res.responseJSON) { msg += res.responseJSON.error.message; } else { if ($('html').attr('lang') == "en") { msg += "Unable to save at this time!"; } else { msg += "Impossible d'enregistrer pour le moment�!"; } } $("#SaveAndExit").parent().parent().before(msg + "
"); $("#SaveAndExit").text(btnText); } }); } /* End Custom JS for Power Apps Portal*/